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Course I.2 Intellectual Property

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Display Digital Advertising Process

Do you know those commercials that seem to follow you on the internet? Whenever you enter a site, they seem to pop up from one side or just stand there. These are exactly the display advertisements.

Display Digital Advertising (DDA) is advertising on third-party websites. This advertising can appear in a lot of formats and contains elements such as images, videos, text, audio.


In this lesson, we will learn...


what the benefits of Display Digital Advertising are and how that process looks like.​


What are the benefits of Display Digital Advertising?

  1. Increase brand awareness and potential sales.
  2. Ability to target visitors by age, lifestyle, and geography
  3. Ability to remarket to people who have already visited our website but have not purchased it.
  4. Ability to see your brand's message on thousands of premium sites.

What does the Display Digital Advertising process look like?


1. Create an ad

It all starts with advertisers when they start creating an ad and choosing what format it will be. You choose the format according to your budget. The price of advertising is also affected by the traffic on the site where you want to advertise. Once you have determined the format, design a call to action. In addition, you need to determine the balance between text and visual content.


2. Publish an ad.

Once you've finished creating your ad, it's time to publish it. The first step in publishing an ad is to determine who your publisher is. The publisher can be an agency you work with, or you can publish your ad using one of the tools, such as Google's DoubleClick tool, or advertising directly on the website. You can use this tool to search for relevant publishers. One of the most famous publishers is the Google Display Network, which includes advertising on YouTube, among other things. Once you've identified who your publisher is, it then places your ad on the site based on your budget and target audience. What you can also decide is the time at which your ad will appear to users of that particular site.


3. Track the ad.

Once you post an ad, your job doesn’t end there. As users interact with your ad, it's up to you to track the ad and the results it achieves. If you notice that the call to action you created is weak, that is, the reactions of visitors to that site are not what you expected, you must change it.


Factors to consider when planning a display ads campaign. These factors are:


  • Your target audience - what it takes and how to reach them
  • Publisher prices - can you afford to advertise on sites that have a lot of traffic
  • Location - It will cost more to advertise on sites whose visitors are from large communities
  • Competition - Whether you will compete for ad space

Resource: Pixabay




Once you follow all the steps, create and publish your display advertisement your job is not done.  After you publish an advertisement, you need to follow it regularly, measure the results you have received, and compare them with the defined KPI. If the results are different from the defined KPI, you need to change something. In the next lesson, we will talk about the locations where your ad display can be found, as well as what format it can be in.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T3.L1. Display Digital Advertising Process

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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