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Last Word


To have a positive impact on the people around us, we must reflect on what we are going to say when faced with an important situation. Words have a lot of power, and they can make a first conversation successful or not.

In the first lesson of the topic, we were talking about the "first impression", but not only your gestures, your attitude, and the way you dress are important, also the words you use will leave an impact on your interlocutors.


 The power of the last impression:


Through words, the human being expresses his emotions, ideas, and feelings. Words, in one way or another, always impact whoever uses them, and they have the power to bring out the best in a person or sink them.

A word of encouragement at a given moment will encourage you to move forward, on the other hand, when you lack that support, you will also lack the strength to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.

It is the words that will help us to generate a good last impression, and it is this that completes the experience of those who interact with you for the first time.

A good last impression closes the clasp of the perception about you that the other person has made. Your last words will help your interlocutor want to see you again and recommend you or that it is the last time you see each other.

If the first impression that you have generated has not been entirely positive, or throughout the conversation, there has been some difference between you and your interlocutor, it will be softened if your last words are correct.

Ending the conversation in a good way, in a friendly way, being interested in the other person and with a smile, will make the last impression that you have on that person is positive. We could say that it is your last chance to make a good impression.

Some tips to help you think about your last words:

When you're ending a conversation, don't do it suddenly or violently. The best advice is to be natural and honest with your last words.

If we are talking about the social field, and it is the first time you meet a person, try to end the conversation naturally and sincerely, have you had a good time with that person? Tell her! Don't mind expressing your feelings.

If after a first conversation, you would like to keep in touch, end the conversation by asking if you can connect with her through social networks: “Thanks for spending time with me. May I connect with you on LinkedIn? ". If you want to have a second meeting with that person, try to arrange an interview for the future, before ending the conversation.

Although the important thing is that you reflect on what you want to say, and prepare those last words, before having that first meeting.


It would be useless to make an exceptionally good first impression if throughout the conversation and at the end, you don’t take care of the ways and your way of expressing yourself. It is in your power that in your relationships, you leave a positive mark.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T9.L3. Last Word

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