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Course II.6 Infographic

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The table shows the five topics, each one divided into lessons.



T1. From Idea to a Validated Business

L1. Idea

T2. Design

L1. Design a Team

L2. Business Design

T3. Test

L1. Hypothesis

L2. Experiment

L3. Learn and Decide

L4. Manage

T4. Experiment

L1. Select an Experiment

L2. Discovery Experiment

L3. Validate Experiment

T5. Mindset

L1. Avoid Experiment Pitfalls

L2. Lead Through Experimentation

The first topic of this course is focused on ideas. Why ideas? Everything in the world starts as an idea. Whether you are in business, school, etc, that’s how it all starts. First, there is the idea, then the manifestation of the idea - assuming, of course, that the person who has the idea acts together. Everything that we see started as an idea: a microchip, the internet, the company you work for, and the company you run. Because of that, our course starts with an idea. This knowledge will allow us to recognize a good idea for starting a business.


The second topic is about design. In this topic, the importance of the team and designing a business idea will be explained in more detail. The knowledge of this topic will help us to design a perfect business and a team.


The third topic is dedicated to testing. This topic will give us knowledge about hypotheses and their significance, experiments, decision making, and management.


The fourth topic is more dedicated to experiments. It focuses on how to select the right experiment and what rules you need to follow, different types of experiments, and how to validate your experiments.


Finally, the last topic is dedicated to mindsets and this topic learns us how commitment and also passion, and honesty are significant to all team members.

What also plays a huge role in the success of a good leader is communication and good decision-making. And we can’t forget about the innovation and creative thinking that are also the qualities that are part of good leadership.

In the next sections each topic and its lessons will be described more in detail.

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