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Course IV.1 Interpersonal Skills

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Activity A.T1.L1.1 Pro/Cons tool

Integrative Thinking takes note of the different visions and perspectives of others, believing that these differences represent an enrichment of thought and can contribute to achieving better innovation.

A pros and cons list is a quick and easy decision-making tool. Pros are arguments FOR taking a particular path. Cons are arguments AGAINST. Once you develop a list detailing both sides of the argument you can make more sensible, informed decisions. To make the technique more objective, especially for complex decisions, you can rate each argument against one or more factors to create a weighted list to search for the best solution

On the other hand, the Pro/pro chart is an integrative thinking tool. It offers some good examples of how students can learn to think flexibly, suspending negative judgments. in a Pro/pro chart the group is led to reflect only on the positive aspects of two different ideas or of two opposing opinions. Instead of deciding between two choices, this tool helps students identify positive traits of different points of view and, possibly, create a third option by combining the good qualities of both.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T1.L1.2 Watch the video TED Talk

See the inspirational Video about using photography to reconstruct digital heritage:

"How your pictures can help reclaim lost history"


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