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Course IV.1 Interpersonal Skills

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Basics of Mobile Marketing

What is the first thing you look at when you wake up in the morning? Most of you, if not all, will say a cell phone. Nowadays, that has become normal, because the phone is necessary for us to function today. On average, people look at a mobile phone 150 times during the day, and it is the device that people use most often. The development of mobile phones happens almost every day. New versions, system updates are coming out faster and faster. The functionality of mobile devices has evolved a lot, from using the phone only to answer or send a message, to have a mobile phone and an alarm clock and navigation and an entertainment device and a camera. It is completely normal that with the development of mobile devices and applications that we can install on it, the communication that brands have with consumers on these devices was more than expected.


Source: Smartphone Subscriptions Per Region 2015-2021, Ericsson.


The number of people who own mobile phones is growing day by day. From 2015 to 2021, it is estimated that the number of mobile phone users will increase by 3 billion. The biggest growth, as we can conclude, will happen in Asia.


In this lesson, we will learn...


basics when it comes to Mobile Marketing.


How does mobile marketing work?


Mobile marketing is made up of ads that appear on mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. The format and style of the ad may vary, depending on the platform on which the ad is located. Sites that are optimized for mobile phones, social networks, applications are some of the platforms on which mobile marketing ads can be found and each of these platforms has its unique options when creating ads. When mobile marketing is done in the right way, it can provide potential customers who use mobile devices with personalized information, oriented to the current location of the user.


Basics of an effective mobile site


We will now take a look at a site that is optimized for mobile users and what it must have to be effective. The website is one of the basic channels of digital marketing and therefore it is very important that you have a website that is updated and tailored to mobile users. When creating a website optimized for mobile users, you should:

  • Make your content a priority, not navigation. Now that we have websites on one side, both for desktop and mobile, you don’t have to worry so much about navigation. Nowadays, it is much more important to focus first on the content you place.

  • Create fields large enough for users to click - Make sure the field is large enough and with enough space around it so you don't send users to the wrong place.

  • Make fast users' tasks easily accessible - Make basic information of interest to the user, as well as important calls to action, clearly visible and easily accessible to the user. Make it simple for them to do what they want.

  • Understand interactions (touch or click). More and more searches are made on mobile devices, a click is slowly becoming redundant. Mobile users don’t have a mouse, they have their fingers. That's why you have to pay attention to the design of the touch.



As the use of mobile phones increases, brands are also forced to adapt their communication with consumers to these devices.  In this lesson, we learned the basics of mobile marketing and what a mobile-friendly website should look like, and in the next lesson, you will learn ways you can apply mobile marketing.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T7.L1. Basics of Mobile Marketing

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

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Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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