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Course IV.1 Interpersonal Skills

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Image composition and characteristics of light in heritage photography

This module has been prepared so that those interested in learning about photography and heritage acquire the competences with the objective of using the tools in the generation of multimedia content for the O-City project.

Once the module is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

  1. Apply the knowledge received in the field of photography and heritage.

In this session, we will learn how to compose and light our photo to improve the message.


About the composition

We will analyze the fundamental rules to know how the elements in the image should be sorted in order to correctly transmit the information of the asset.

What is the rule of the thirds?

The first thing will be to apply the rule of the thirds that will allow us to divide the frame into three vertical parts and three horizontal parts.


In this way, we place the elements in the quadrants to give more prominence to some more than others depending on the message we want to convey.

How can I improve my photo with a good image composition?

Avoid placing the elements in the center of the image and use depth of field if we want to selectively focus on a plane.

For example, if we want to blur the background, we must use the greatest possible focal length of the lens, approach the element and open the diaphragm.

If we use a mobile phone, just apply a filter that allows selective focus.

About the lighting

The lighting in the photography of the natural and cultural heritage varies depending on the use of the sun as the main focus of light, so we must know its position all the time. 

The white balance allows us to select the final color that we will give the image.

Why is light so important in photography?

In general, we can have images with colder or warmer temperatures according to the object we are portraying. Because of that, light is the main and fundamental element of photography.

The amount of light entering through the diaphragm in a given exposure time will be what allows us to obtain a quality image.

Color temperature and white balance are two basic concepts of photography.

Which is the best color temperature to use in a photo?

In this way, we compensate for the dominant color and incorporate a colder or warmer shade, as long as necessary. The goal is to find a neutral balance to make the image more attractive and correct imperfections.

There is no specific predominant temperature value, sunrise and sunset offer two different light characteristics, and it will be the heritage element that conditions us to work with one or the other depending on its own characteristics.

One Tip:

It is not advisable to use zenithal positions of the sun, since they will condition us to work with white lights that we want to avoid. In this sense, shadows can be useful as they offer some depth and perspective to the image; therefore, we will look for inclined light sources.


The rule of the thirds, the selective focus and the color temperature of a photo allow us to transmit the true essence of heritage reality.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L4. Image composition and lighting

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Pill T1.L4.1. Rules of threes example

The following video shows some examples for the rules of three.

Pill T1.L4.2. Example of the same photo with different focus

 This video shows an example related to the focus: a photo with the background out of focus and with the background in focus.

Pill T1.L4.3. Stability, rule of thirds and expose

The following video shows some examples of a photos well taken with the mobile and badly taken to be able to improve it with the concepts seen.

Pill T1.L4.4. Example of the use of the WBs

 This video shows an example of the same photo with different WBs to see how the color changes.

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