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Course II.5 Podcast

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Types of media and digital marketing channels

Depending on who owns certain media and whether a certain company paid for advertising or earned to be advertised, we can divide the media into owned, paid, or earned. In this lesson, we will get to know each of them and learn what each of them encompasses. Also, digital marketing contains many channels through which a certain brand can communicate with consumers.


In this lesson, we will learn...


What types of digital media exist and what are the most important channels of digital marketing.


Paid, Owned, and Earned media



Paid media - by these media we mean advertising channels to which we have given a certain monetary compensation to increase the visit, visibility of our channels and so that the message that the brand speaks reaches as many potential customers as possible. We use this type of media to create brand awareness and enable content to be seen by new audiences. You can use print media, email, TV, radio, PPC, various types of advertising on social networks.


Owned media - these are the media, the platforms, and content on those platforms that we partially or completely own, and control. With the help of this type of media, our content is in one place we build authority, establish a relationship with visitors, and activate potential customers. Some of the tactics include the regular publication of blog posts, content on social networks, research reports, e-books, case studies, etc.


Earned media - are articles and citations in which you are mentioned, without paid advertising. Very often, these are newspaper or media texts, recommendations of influential people on social networks that you have not paid for. These media generally have authority, relevance, and rank in a particular topic or industry. By mentioning them, you can build your authority online and increase your visibility. Tactics that are implied with this type of media are public relations, influence through blogs, and social networks.


Digital Marketing channels


There are many channels on the Internet created by digital technologies. Some of the main ones are:


Website, Search, Social Media, Blogs, Email, Display


As Internet-based technology itself evolves, so can we encounter a multitude of new channels emerging day by day.



“It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.”

 – Jeff Bezos


Digital marketing is a powerful segment of every business today. Take advantage of all the media and channels available to you, and get your word out as far as possible.

In the next parts of the course, we will go deeper into digital marketing and talk about each digital marketing channel.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L2. Types of media and digital marketing channels

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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