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Course IV.3 Critical Thinking

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The podcast concept multimedia developed in the classroom should meet two types of  requirements to be uploaded to the O-City World platform:

Quality: teachers should use this rubrics  to guarantee the quality of the multimedia before uploading them 


1. Maximum duration:  10- 15 minutes

2. Type of multimedia product: mp3 (only audio) with a pdf including the script or a mp4 file with a photo and the script synchronized.

3. Transitions are not allowed, just fade to black or white

4. Start: use O-City and EU logo centred. Wait 4 seconds to start the speech.

5. End: add the logo of your institution as in the example in Figure 4. If necessary, place the credits of music, text or images before the final logos (font: calibri, size: 12 pts, white background and black letters)

6. The language: in native language and a pdf with the translation to English

7. Subtitles (if .mp4):in English,  yellow, font: calibri, size: 12 pts, each line cannot contain more than 35 characters, maximum of 2 lines

8. Podcast: maximum 300MB

In the  next folder you can find the logos for the start of your multimedia:

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