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Course III.6 Business Pitch

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Introduction to Analytics

As the owner of a certain business that is present on digital platforms, you place certain content with a certain goal. But how do you know how users react to that content? What makes digital marketing unique is the fact that we can measure and analyze every step on the Internet. How many times a user has visited your site, what is the user experience on your website, how many users have clicked on the call to action. These are just some of the data that you can easily find out with the help of analytics.


In this lesson, we will learn...


what does the analytics process look like?


What exactly is analytics?


Analytics is a process in which you collect, measure, analyze, and report the behavior of visitors to your site, all in order to understand and optimize your online presence. The essence of analytics is collecting data from your website to get an insight into the success of your business online. There are many analytics tools you can use to access a variety of data.


What does the analytics process look like?


1. Set specific goals


The first step before setting up an analytics tool is to set goals. These goals need to be specific, so you know what data you are tracking and analyzing. Ask yourself - what is it that you want to find with the help of analytics?

For E.g. Your goal is to increase the number of users who come to your site via mobile devices by the end of the year. In this example, we follow the data that speaks about the number of users who came to your site via mobile devices in a certain period. The data you track must always be on par with your goals.


Resource: Pixabay



2. Setting up the analytics tool


Once you've determined your goals, it's time to start setting up your account on one of the analytics tools and start researching it. The most common analytic tool is Google Analytics. The advantage of this tool is that it is free, it is standard in the industry (98% of brands use this tool), it is very easy to use.

Resource: Pixabay


3. Data monitoring and analysis

When we talk about data, we can divide them into dimensions and metrics. Where is the difference? Dimensions describe data, they represent anything you can express in words. While on the other hand, metrics measure data, it represents any data you can count. For example, dimension is the geographic area where you recorded traffic to your website, and the number of users who visited your site from that geographic location is a metric.


Resource: Pixabay

Through analytics, you can get to know your users.


  • What are the demographic characteristics that describe them (how old are they, what gender are they, ...).
  • With the help of location, find out which geographical areas they come from.
  • You can find out which language they speak and conclude from which languages your site should be.
  • What is their behavior on the Internet?
  • Which devices they use is also one of the data that you can find out with the help of analytics.
  • How users behave on your site, which pages they visit, how long they stay, and whether they respond to your call to action.




“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.”

– Carly Fiorina, former executive, president, and chair of Hewlett-Packard Co.


So to collect all the data that is available and useful to you, analyze them, and use the gathered information in the right way.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T8.L1. Introduction to Analytics

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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