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Course III.6 Business Pitch

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SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate Sprint 6 - Review 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. The duration of the audio-visual project follows the criteria established in the course. The sequences of the technical script are differentiated by the corresponding intonation and pauses. X         1  
2. Logos and credits are correct and centred on the white background. The type of font, size and colour used in the credits is as indicated in the course.   X       2  
3. The sculpture is correctly characterized and explained in the multimedia. It is not overloaded with information and messages are presented objectively.     X     3  
4.The multimedia is notable for its creativity     X     3  
5. The content of the multimedia follows the criteria established in the course   X       2  
Total: 11 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 11

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