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Revenue Streams 


Revenue streams are the revenues that come from customer acceptance to pay for a service. The main source of income are the employers who are looking for staff and pay for individual services (online posting of ads, employer branding services, advertising, headhunting services, participation in Days Career and Interview Days).




The methods used based on (Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) are:





A. Asset sale “ Ownership rights to a physical product “ Refers to the transfer of ownership rights of a physical product from the seller to the buyer.


B. Usage fee “ Pay per use” This kind of fee is usually charged by service providers to customers for the use of the service..

C. Subscription fees When a user requires long-term or continuous access to the products of a company, they pay a subscription fee. For example, Mobile tarifs, electricity, water etc.

D. Lending/ renting/ leasing Selling continuous access to a service. For example Gym, Publications, online retail etc..

E. Licensing Brokerage Advertising

L: Exploiting a protected technology / product/ concept

B: Charging for an intermediation service eg. realestate, finance..

A:  Media in general - Free press, Apps, Anytype of freeware






The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T2.L7. Revenue Streams 

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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